
Lectures, Workshops, and Group Discussions

The Future Physician Leaders program uses a variety of didactic components to educate the next generation of medical professionals.

Leadership Lecture Series

The six-week summer Leadership Lecture Series offers a wide range of topics that encourage students to think critically and reflect on a variety of health issues. Guest speakers include community health leaders, hospital chief executive officers, and the members of the clinical faculty of the UCR School of Medicine. Past topics and speakers include:

  • Strategies for Success by Neal Schiller UCR School of Medicine.
  • The State of Health in Eastern Riverside County by Dr. Glen Grayman, Desert Healthcare District.
  • Medicine & Spirituality by Dr. Euthym Kontaxis, Eisenhower Medical Center.
  • You Are Your Own First Patient by Dr. Emma Simmons, UCR School of Medicine.
  • The Physician's Roadmap by Raul Ruiz, UCR School of Medicine.
  • The End of HIV/AIDS by David Brinkman, Desert AIDS Project.

Workshops & Health Conferences

As part of their mentorship and career development, students have the opportunity to participate in pre-med health conferences and workshops. These events allow students to attend workshops that help prepare them for a career in medicine and develop mentoring relationships with conference speakers, medical students, and healthcare professionals.

Some examples of conferences students have attended include:

  • UCLA Medicos, Enfermeros, y Dentistas Para El Pueblo (MEDPEP) Pre-Health Conference.
  • American Medical Student Association (AMSA) Pre-Medical and Pre-Health Professions Conference.
  • Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) Western Regional Conference.
  • CSUSB MAPSS Pre-Medical and Pre-Health Conference.

Networking Reception

Twice a year students, physicians, and program partners are invited to attend a networking event intended to foster relationships between students and mentors.

  • The summer reception is in August. The evening begins with a poster display session where students showcase their FPL community health projects and network with community members and partners.
  • The winter social is to welcome students back from the fall term. 
  • The winter social for the Riverside-San Bernardino region is held during the Winter Quarter at the UC Riverside School of Medicine Building.